
SUBMIT AN Application

Call for Applications to showcase your innovative work

Do you have a new practice your organisation has implemented in the last 24 months? Are you eager to share your experiences and lessons learned? Would those who have benefited from your innovation like to share the improvements they’ve experienced?

If your organisation has piloted or implemented a change in service delivery that has positively impacted your service and benefited the people you serve, SDF invites you to present at our 2024 Innovative Practice Showcase.

We have a limited number of slots available for organisations across Scotland. We welcome presentations from harm reduction services, treatment services, and those providing broader support or information services to people who use or have used drugs.

About the event

SDF’s Innovative Practice Showcase
Venue: Apex Hotel Dundee
Date: 31st October 2024
Time: 10:00 – 16:00

How to Apply:

Please complete the application linked at the button ‘SUBMIT AN APPLICATION

  • What groups of people benefit from the service innovation
  • Please tell us about what the service does (250 words MAX)
  • Please tell us about what is new about the innovation (250 words MAX)
  • Please tell us what makes this practice better than previous practice (250 words MAX)
  • Please tell us about the impacts of the innovation on people who use your service and how you have measured these (250 words MAX)
  • Please tell us about the impacts of the innovation on the service staff and how you have measured these (150 words MAX)


Successful applications will receive:

  • Up to 2 places at the event (including the presenter) 
  • Full comms and technical support
  • Presentation will be recorded and promoted via SDF’s YouTube and SDF’s social media channels.
  • Presentation slides will be added to SDF’s resource section of our website.

We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to showcase the innovative practices that are making a difference across Scotland.

If you have any queries, please email commsteam@sdf.org.uk

Follow us on Twitter to keep up to date on the conference.