Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19

Guidance has been produced on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19 and has been shared with all Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and all drug services in Scotland.

This Guidance has been produced by Scottish Drug Forum and partners including the Sexual Health and BBV Prevention Leads Group with support from Scottish Government. The intention of the Guidance is to support local areas and services in their contingency planning for COVID-19 in relation to people who use drugs and particularly the provision of opiate substitution treatment and injecting equipment provision.

The Guidance is not meant to replace local contingency planning but to aid further development with regard to meeting specific challenging issues that areas are likely to be faced over the coming months.

You can view the Guidance by clicking here

The situation is changing rapidly and as such it is our intention to update this guidance when necessary. SDF will send out revised guidance to all stakeholders and the latest version will be available on this page.

It is also our intention to highlight changes to practice in particular areas that may be useful to other others when addressing similar issues. In this regard it would be useful if you could communicate such to

SDF would like to take this opportunity to provide best wishes to all in efforts to provide services to some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people in these most difficult of times.

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