
Currently linked is contact info for Alcohol & Drug Partnerships. Useful links will be updated and added to regularly. 

Alcohol and Drug Partnerships

Aberdeen City Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Gale Beattie
Contact: Simon Rayner
Title: Alcohol and Drug Development Co-ordinator
email: simon.rayner@nhs.scot
Tel: 01224 557871

Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Avril Nicol
email: avril.nicol@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01224 558844

Angus Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Ross Fitzgerald
email: AngusADP@angus.gov.uk
Contact: Niki McNamee
Title: Lead Officer
email: AngusADP@angus.gov.uk
Tel: 07795925848 

Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair:John Owens
email: john.owens2@nhs.net
Contact: Laura Stephenson and Jennifer Dryden
Title: ADP Co-ordinators
email: Laura.Stephenson2@nhs.scot or Jennifer.Dryden@nhs.scot

Borders Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Sohil Bhapti
email: sohil.bhapti@nhs.scot
Contact: Fiona Doig & Susan Elliot
Title: Strategic Lead & ADP Co-Ordinator
email: bordersadp@borders.scot.nhs.uk
Tel: 01835 825900

Clackmannanshire & Stirling Alcohol & Drug Partnership

Chair: Wendy Forrest
email: forrestw@stirling.gov.uk
Contact: Simon Jones
Title: Lead Officer
email: simon.jones2@nhs.scot
Tel: 07486 323 203

Dumfries & Galloway Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Penny Halliday
email: penny.halliday@nhs.scot
Contact: Jackie Davies
Title: ADP Co-ordinator
email: Jackie.Davies@nhs.scot
Tel: 01387 244023

Dundee City Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Contact: Title: Vered Hopkins
email: Vered.hopkins@dundeecity.gov.uk

East Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Neil Kerr
Contact: Liam Wells
Title: Co-ordinator
email: liam.wells@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01563 555353

East Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: David Aitken
email: David.Aitken@eastdunbarton.gov.uk
Contact: Lynsay Haglington
Title: ADP Co-ordinator
email: lynsay.haglington@eastdunbarton.gov.uk
Tel: 0141 232 8211.scot

East Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Julie Murray
email: Julie.murray@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Contact: Tracy Butler
Title: Lead Planner (Recovery Services)
email: tracy.butler@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Tel: 07879434870

Edinburgh City Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Pat Togher
email: Pat.Togher@edinburgh.gov.uk
Contact: David Williams
Title: ADP Support Team Leader/Co-ordinator
email: david.williams@edinburgh.gov.uk

Falkirk Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Sara Lacey
email: sara.lacey@falkirk.gov.uk
Contact: Phillip Heaton
Title: ADP Lead Officer
Tel: 07483 946 866

Fife Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Nicky Connor
Contact: Elizabeth Butters
Title: ADP Service Manager

Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Jacqueline Kerr
email: jacqueline.kerr@glasgow.gov.uk
Contact: Gillian Ferguson/David Macdonald
Email: gillian.ferguson@glasgow.gov.uk or David.Macdonald1@glasgow.gov.uk
Title: Co-ordinator

Highland Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Carron McDairmid
email: carron.mcdiarmid2@nhs.scot
Contact: Eve MacLeod
Title: ADP Co-ordinator
email: Eve.MacLeod@nhs.scot
Tel: 01463 704997

Inverclyde Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Kenny Leinster
email: Kenny.leinster@inverclyde.gov.uk
Contact: Ann Wardlaw/Heater Payton
Title: ADP Co-Ordinator/ADP Support Worker
email:Ann.Wardlaw@inverclyde.gov.uk & heather.payton@inverclyde.gov.uk
Tel: 01475 715284 

Midlothian & East Lothian Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Nick Clater
email: meldap@eastlothian.gov.uk
Contact: Martin Bonnar
Title: Support Team Manager
email: mbonnar@eastlothian.gov.uk
Tel: 0131 653 5162

Moray Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Simon Bokor-Ingram
email: Simon.Bokor-Ingram@moray.gov.uk
Contact: Justin Jansen
Title: ADP co-ordinator
email: Justin.jansen@moray.gov.uk

North Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Billy Brotherstone
Email billybrotherston@north-ayrshire.gov.uk
Contact: Michael McLennan
Title: Lead Officer
email: ADP@north-ayrshire.gov.uk
Tel: 077500995431

North Lanarkshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership

Chair: Morag Dendy
email: dendym@northlan.gov.uk
Contact: John Holleran
Title: Strategic Lead
Tel: 01698 753651

Orkney Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Stephen Brown
email: stephen.brown3@nhs.scot
Contact: Katie Spence
Title: ADP Co-Ordinator
email: katie.spence@nhs.scot

Perth & Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Kenny Ogilvy
email: kogilvy@pkc.gov.uk
Contact: Charlie Cranmer
Title: ADP Co-ordinator
Email: ccranmer@pkc.gov.uk
Tel: 01738 472 559

Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: David Leese
email: David.leese@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Contact: Cara Durnie
Title: Co-ordinator
email: cara.durnie2@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Shetland Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair – Chief Inspector Lindsay Tulloch (Temporary)
email: lindsay.tulloch@scotland.pnn.police.uk or lindsaytulloch@aol.com
Contact: Wendy Henderson
Title: ADP Co-ordinator
email: wendy.henderson2@nhs.scot
Tel: 07342 077789

South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Gary Howey
email: gary.howey@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Contact: Faye Murfet
Tile: ADP Co-ordinator
email: faye.murfet@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01292 612147

South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Liam Purdie
email: liam.purdie@southlanarkshire.gov.uk
Contact: Rosie Welsh
Title: ADP Co-ordinator 
email: Rosie.Welsh@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
Tel: 07812669941

West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Sylvia Chatfield
email: Sylvia.chatfield@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Contact: Chris Kelly or Roddy MacNeil
Title: ADP strategy Officer
email:WDADP@west-dunbarton.gov.uk or Roderick.MacNeill@scotland.police.uk

Western Isles Alcohol and Drug Partnership

Chair: Gordon Jamieson
email: gordon.jamieson@nhs.net
Contact: Donna Morrison
Title: Administrator
email: wi.ohadp@nhs.scot
Tel: 01851 762 022

West Lothian Alcohol & Drug Partnership

Chair: Alison White
email: Alison.White@westlothian.gov.uk
Contact: Barry Sheridan
Title: ADP Lead Officer
email: barry.sheridan2@nhs.scot


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