Latest Drugs Uncut episode highlights need to include people who use drugs in the decision-making process

The latest episode of ‘Drugs Uncut’ – the Scottish Drugs Forum podcast – has been published and is available to listen to for free online or on your favourite podcast app.

There is an expectation that services and planners include people in decisions that directly affect their lives. So why does this rarely happen when decisions are being made that affect people who are experiencing drug problems?

This is now one of the most pressing questions facing the drugs field in Scotland and beyond.

In this episode, Jason Wallace, SDF’s Senior Development Officer for Volunteering and Engagement, joins us to discuss what the perceived barriers to engaging with people are and how they can be overcome.

Jason describes a pioneering initiative in Glasgow that provides a safe space for people who use drugs to discuss issues, raise these with service providers and others and to hold people to account.

We were also delighted to chat with a member of the group, Martin, and also SDF Peer Research Volunteer, Matthew, to discuss what opportunities like the above initiative means to the people attending.

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