Consultation workshops on the implementation of the new MAT Standards for Scotland

Consultation workshops for clinicians and other stakeholders are being held on the implementation of the new Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards for Scotland.

The term MAT is used to refer to the use of medication, such as opioids, together with any psychological and social support, in the treatment and care of individuals who experience problems with their drug use.

The consultation and the Standards were launched at an online event on Friday the 20th of November which shared learning from the initial improvement work in delivering standards 1-5 that deal with service access and engagement.

The event can be viewed again here:

A document which contains further information on the MAT Standards is available here.

Following the launch event, we invite stakeholders in Scotland to join one of the planned workshops to discuss Standards 1 – 5 and their implementation.

Consultation workshops will be held online on 25, 26, & 27 November and 1, 2, & 3 December.

Each session will last approximately one and a half hours and various times are available each day.

If you are a clinician, you can sign up to one of our clinician-focused workshops by visiting – 

All other stakeholders can sign up to a workshop by visiting –

There will also be future workshops to discuss Standards 6-10 and their implementation. We will contact you about these workshops when full details are available.

As part of the consultation on the ten MAT Standards there is also an online survey. To take part in the online survey, please click here.

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