Connecting Scotland award digitally empowers SDF volunteers

26th February 2021

Five SDF volunteers have been awarded laptops and internet access equipment from Connecting Scotland to assist with their volunteering duties.

Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative managed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations which seeks to reduce digital exclusion by giving people the confidence, kit and ability to connect online at home.

The five volunteers are part of SDF’s Peer Research project in East Ayrshire, an initiative that trains and supports people with experience of drug or alcohol problems to carry out research with the people who are currently experiencing substance use issues.

The equipment will support the individuals to attend online meetings with SDF staff, access training and will also be essential in supporting their children to access educational resources throughout periods of home-schooling.

SDF’s User Involvement Development Officer, Angharad Englefield Nelson, who supports the volunteers, said:

“This award from Connecting Scotland will make a huge difference to the lives of our volunteers and their families in East Ayrshire.

“Previously, the volunteers could only access group meetings or training via their phones which was very limiting and made it difficult to fully contribute and get the most out of each session.

“The laptops will now allow the volunteers to be able to fully build their digital confidence, enabling them to further develop in their roles and increase their range of skills.”

The Connecting Scotland programme aims to reach 50,000 people by the end of 2021 – to find out more visit

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