SDF CEO thanks Angela Constance as SDF welcome new minister Elena Whitham

30 March 2023

As a result of a series of Cabinet and ministerial changes, Elena Whitham has been appointed to the new post of Minister for Drug & Alcohol Policy.

She replaces Angela Constance, Minister for Drug Policy, who becomes Justice Minister.

Dave Liddell, CEO of SDF reacted ‘We welcome the appointment of Elena Whitham as the new minister.  We’d also like to put on record our thanks to the outgoing Minister, Angela Constance, who has driven forward significant developments during her time in office.

“This is an important time for the drugs field.  It’s crucial that we maintain the focus of the National Mission to reduce drug-related deaths and in particular the Medication Assisted Treatment Standards. We still have a long way to go to deliver these and there remain other significant challenges, particularly with regard to the workforce in terms of recruitment, retention and staff burn out.

“We also need to have greater transparency regarding the progress we are making.  The more active engagement of people with living experience will be crucial in this regard.  While we need to consolidate progress made we also need to push forward with delivering drug consumption rooms – and not only in Glasgow – and make heroin-assisted treatment a treatment option across Scotland.”

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