Are you a man who has sex with other men and uses chems for sex?

We are looking for research participants to help us understand the sexual health and blood borne virus information and support needs of men who have sex with men while using chems.

Are you a man who has sex with other men and uses chems (drugs) for sex?

If so, the Scottish Drugs Forum wants to hear your views on your information and support needs, so that we can help services support people who engage in chemsex.

Confidential interviews would take up to one hour and take the form of face-to-face or via telephone.

The purpose of this interview is to get your views about your experiences of sexual health and blood borne viruses (HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) in terms of the sex you have and the chems you use.  We will also ask you about your information and support needs.

We would like to find out:

  • What risks, if any, you take when you have sex and / or use chems.
  • What information and support needs you have in relation to your chem use, sexual health and blood borne viruses.

You are invited to take part in this study if:

1. You are over 18 years and
2. You identify as male and
3. You have sex with other men while using chems (such as GHB/GBL, Crystal Meth, Mephedrone)

Contact us to find out more – call, text or whatsapp: 07340626247

We will respond to messages between 2pm and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Participants willl receive a £10 shopping voucher for their contribution.

No one will be able to tell you have taken part in this research unless you inform them.

This study has ethical approval [East of Scotland NHS Research Ethics Committee, study reference number 251210 Version 3 22/11/18]

Click here to view our research poster

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