Christina McKelvie has been announced as the Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy

Christina McKelvie has been announced as the Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy after the resignation of Elena Whitham.

SDF CEO Kirsten Horsburgh welcomes the new minister.

“It was with deep regret that we heard that Elena Whitham had to resign due to health issues. Ms Whitham had enthusiastically attended and contributed to SDF events and had met staff, trainees and volunteers. She had met with people with living experience directly through the engagement work with SDF – she showed understanding and insight into the issues that people experiencing drug-related problems face and the supports that should be provided. Everyone at SDF wishes her a speedy recovery and all the best in the future.

“SDF welcomes Christina McKelvie to her new role and look forward to supporting her engagement with people with living and lived experience and with the wider drug sector. The sector needs leadership in delivering the National Mission and to continue to progress that key aim as a priority. This is a huge challenge for us all, The Minister and Scotland.”
