Latest Drugs Uncut episode looks at the carriage of naloxone from Police Scotland

25th August 2021

The latest episode of ‘Drugs Uncut’ – the Scottish Drugs Forum podcast – has been published and is available to listen to for free online or on your favourite podcast app.

In this episode we are joined by Police Scotland’s Assistant Chief Constable for Partnership, Prevention and Community Wellbeing, Gary Ritchie to discuss Police Scotland’s pilot test of change project which sees officers carrying intranasal naloxone.

ACC Gary Ritchie helped lead the organisation to participate in Scotland’s National Naloxone Programme and in this episode he recounts some of the landmarks and some of the issues that arose in ensuring that police in Scotland could trial the carriage of naloxone. He talks of a public health approach to policing which is part of, and symptomatic of, significant attitudinal and societal changes in Scotland.

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