Latest Drugs Uncut podcast episode focuses on delivering services under ‘lockdown’

The latest episode of ‘Drugs Uncut’ – the Scottish Drugs Forum podcast – has been published and is available to listen to for free online or on your favourite podcast app.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a halt, but people continue to need vital support with their substance use.

In this episode, the first of a series looking at responses to the outbreak, we are joined by Scottish Drugs Forum’s CEO, David Liddell, to discuss how COVID-19 is affecting both people who use drugs and treatment and harm reduction services in Scotland; and the guidance available to those planning and delivering services at this time.

Due to the pandemic being a rapidly evolving situation, SDF will be bringing shorter, more frequent episodes with contributors from across the country to show how the outbreak is being dealt with in different areas.

In the episode, David references the ‘Guidance on contingency planning for services’ document, which can be found here.

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