
New Drugs Uncut episode explores whether COVID-19 has prompted real action on homelessness

The latest episode of ‘Drugs Uncut’ – the Scottish Drugs Forum podcast – has been published and is available to listen to for free online or on your favourite podcast app.

As a result of the COVID-19 lockdown, street homelessness in Scotland was almost eradicated overnight through the use of hotels to accommodate people who have been rough sleeping.

In this episode, we are joined by Hugh Hill, Director of Services and Development at The Simon Community Scotland – who have been instrumental in providing support to those temporary accommodated – to discuss the lockdown and the unexpected benefits for some people living on the Scotland’s streets; how services have struggled and improved; and what happens when lockdown eases.

For more information on the temporary accommodation and The Simon Community’s response to COVID-19, you can rewatch our SDF webinar on homelessness during the pandemic, where Hugh and two other speakers discussed the challenges and opportunities the pandemic has provided.

Details of the Harm Reduction Co-ordinator role with The Simon Community that Hugh mentions can be found here. The closing date is the 5th of June 2020.

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