Nurses who work with people who use substances in Scotland views sought for short online survey

Nurses who work directly with people who use substances are being asked to fill out a short survey about the potential for a nurse’s network in Scotland.

SDF recently facilitated an event for frontline nurses working with people who use substances across Scotland, where the potential for a nurse’s network was discussed.

At the event, held at Scottish Drugs Forum’s offices in Glasgow, a survey was designed with the attendees to understand the demand and potential remit for such a network.

People invited were either known to the organisers as a nurse working with people who use substances (alcohol and other drugs), or had registered their interest in a potential future nurses’ network.

Delegates attended from Ayrshire and Arran, Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, Fife, Grampian, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, and Lothian.

Their experience and opinions were vital to compiling this short survey.

The results of the survey will inform decisions going forward about the creation of a nurse’s network and what role this could have

If you are a nurse who currently works with people who use substances, then please take ten minutes to fill out this brief survey.

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