Over Ten Thousand Learners on SDF’s Overdose Prevention, Intervention, and Naloxone e-learning Resource

25 January 2022

Following the nationwide campaign promoting take-home naloxone, SDF’s e-learning resource Overdose Prevention, Intervention, and Naloxone has been completed by over ten thousand people. 

Since launching on International Overdose Awareness Day in 2021, the free online resource has been utilised by people likely to witness an overdose – including family members of people who use drugs. The short online course teaches participants how to identify and respond to an overdose and gives an understanding of how to use opiate overdose reversal medication naloxone.

One or more opiates or opioids are implicated in 89% of Scotland’s overdose deaths; naloxone can temporarily reverse the effect of an overdose. Overdoses are often witnessed by other people. By carrying naloxone and being trained how to use it, people can very directly be responsible for saving a life. 

“I ordered a kit last year and had to use it on Sunday. If I never had the knowledge from your training and the kit the young man may not have been so lucky. You gave me the opportunity to make a difference.” 

This course, in conjunction with a naloxone kit provided by Scottish Families affected by Alcohol and Drugs, can have a huge impact on increasing the chances of survival for a person who is experiencing an overdose by reversing the effects of overdose. 

“I’m a DJ and regularly see people in some scary conditions. It would be great to have this on hand should it be needed. The online course has been a real eye opener for me.” 

“Your wee online course has totally opened my eyes. I can make a change by caring and carrying naloxone. My friend told me about it, and it’s been the easiest thing to do but it’s the most important if our communities are to stop dying.” 

As well as being potentially lifesaving knowledge in public situations, naloxone training can also be supportive for the family members of people who use drugs.  

“Thank you for being here for me and making sure I have the skills and tools I need to keep my son alive. The online course is great as I can keep re-doing it and remember. I also love the videos you sent me.” 

The learning resource was developed by SDF’s e-learning team and is part of a bank of courses available online. Other courses include Drug Awareness, Motivational Interviewing, and Hepatitis C and New Treatments – dedicated to raising knowledge and awareness of hepatitis C.

SDF’s e-learning officer, Katerina Vourlakos explains: “E-learning allows for easy access to learning materials and lets the learner choose a time and place to learn that suits them.” 

With over ten thousand learners on the Overdose Prevention, Intervention, and Naloxone e-learning course, knowledge of how to identify and respond to an overdose is becoming increasingly widespread. The more people who have the knowledge of how to administer naloxone, the greater the contribution naloxone can make to the achievement of the National Mission to Reduce Drug-related Deaths  

You could help save a life. Access the course now. 

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