Recognising burnout for Mental Health Awareness Week 

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, SDF has released a special bonus episode of the Drugs Uncut podcast looking at burnout.

Mental Health Awareness Week is held every year in May to highlight issues relating to mental health and wellbeing – things that are particularly pertinent during the current COVID-19 lockdown.

This year, the theme is kindness. Being kind to others can go a long way, but being kind to yourself is just as important.

In this bonus podcast episode, Austin Smith and Kirsten Horsburgh are joined by their colleague Katy MacLeod, SDF’s National Training and Development Officer, to discuss burnout – including how to recognise it and what steps can be taken to address it.

During the episode Katy highlights some resources to help with burnout and these include:

– Guided mindfulness practice sessions with SDF’s Adrienne Hannah
– The Self-Care Wheel 
– The Self-Care Wheel (blank for entering your own strategies)
– Recognising Burnout Activity

Katy also recently chaired our fourth COVID-19 webinar focused on mental health among people who use substances during the pandemic, which you can watch the recorded video of here.

If you enjoy the episode, please subscribe and share it with anyone you think would be interested.

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