‘Irn Bru and Mars Bars’ – Dr Andrew McAuley joins Drugs Uncut podcast to discuss researching drug-related issues

The latest episode of ‘Drugs Uncut’ – the Scottish Drugs Forum podcast – has been published and is available to listen to for free online or on your favourite podcast app.

Robust and accurate data is critical to informing Scotland’s response to problematic drug use and related issues.

When developing responses to an issue, the more we know and understand about a particular problem, the better we can deploy efforts in areas where they will be most effective at solving or alleviating the issue.

In this episode, we’re joined by Dr Andrew McAuley who is a Senior Research Fellow with Glasgow Caledonian University and Senior Epidemiologist within the Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmitted Infections team at NHS Public Health Scotland; where he has a lead role for projects involving people who inject drugs.

During the chat, Andrew talks to us about his fascinating research relating to HIV, naloxone, the Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative (NESI) and more, including why Glasgow has the most compelling case in Europe for a Drug Consumption Room.

For more information on the impact COVID-19 has had on the current HIV outbreak in Glasgow among people who inject drugs, you can rewatch our recent SDF webinar on HIV and substance use, where Andrew and two other speakers discussed the challenges and opportunities the pandemic has provided.

In the podcast, the Andrew references the NHS GGC ‘Taking away the Chaos’ report from 2016 and the more recently published Glasgow Caledonian University study on people’s potential willingness to use a safer drug consumption facility in Glasgow.

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