Scottish Drugs Forum launches survey on staff learning needs on sexual and reproductive health and blood borne viruses


The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Blood Borne Virus team at SDF are surveying staff working with people who may have a drug problem in frontline services. The survey will inform the team’s future work planning and the development of service provision and service capacity.

The anonymous ten question survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete and is available by clicking here.

The survey is open until 30 June.

Team Leader, Adrienne Hannah says:

“This survey will form a platform on which we can base a practical approach to ensuring staff have the knowledge and information they need on what can often be seen as a challenging topic.

“It’s crucial that, as workers often working with vulnerable and marginalised people, we have an awareness of the range of issues that the people we serve may be facing. Unfortunately, sexual and reproductive health and blood borne viruses are seen as ‘difficult’ issues or not ‘core’ to other provision.

“Our aim is to support services where these issues can be raised and people receive encouragement to feel confident in discussing challenging topics as well as engaging with services and, if appropriate, being signposted to where they can get the support and care they may need.”

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