Waverley Care launches new online resource for improving the health and wellbeing of men who have sex with men in Scotland

A new website that focuses on helping gay, bisexual and all men who have sex with men across Scotland access the information they need to improve their health and wellbeing has been launched.

Commissioned as part of the Scottish Government’s Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework, SX’s website will help men have consensual and pleasurable sex with the least harm, for them and their partner(s).

SX is delivered as part of Waverley Care, with the new project benefitting from Waverley Care’s experience of working with HIV, hepatitis C and sexual health across Scotland.

In developing the website, SX have listened to partner services and the voices of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men to ensure the information provided is what men want and, reflects the issues and challenges they experience in life.

Through providing a comprehensive one-stop-shop for men to learn about their health, wellbeing and options for support, SX aims to address the health inequalities men continue to face in society.

The website contains a number of useful resources and components which are of use for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, as well as professional show support these groups.

These include a risk tool which guides users through a sexual health risk assessment; a testing and service directory; information on mental health, a good sex guide and chemsex; access to a national network of peers which will inform the development of the resource and much, much more.

Upon using the website, two S-X community members stated:

“It’s great to see tools that help me and my sexual partners understand what we can do to reduce our risk. Our health is no longer defined by condoms. As someone living with HIV, we need to get messages around PrEP and U=U out there, it will challenge stigma, which has been one of the biggest killers in our community.” – Richard, 47

“It’s nice to have information from one source, where it is clearly made by men for men. I am proud to be involved in the development of the website, it will enable our community and those starting out can have good knowledge around the issues we face and learn about having good sex.” – Shane, 23

Click here to visit the S-X website to find out more.

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