support Team
SDF Local Support Team provide enhanced support to small and medium sized community-based organisations to prepare to apply for funding and to complete the funding process. This work focuses on organisations that work with people with lived and living experience of substance use and/or their families to reduce drug related harms.
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Supporting organisations to become more ‘bid ready’
- A visit to your organisation to fully understand what you do and how you work
- Exploring how you would like to develop as an organisation and what you might need to think about to get there
- Supporting ‘tests of change’ within your organisation to discover what works best
- Support identifying and developing strong outcomes that align with the Scottish Government National Drugs Mission, the reduction of drug-related harm and drug-related death
- Support to strengthen your monitoring and evaluation process
Over the last year, the team has directly supported 40 organisations
organisations have been supported to submit 41 bids
awards have been granted totalling £183,750
Supporting development of strong funding bids
- Support via online meetings and document sharing and, possibly, in-person support
- Proof-reading of funding applications
- Strengthening responses in each section of application ensuring you have clearly represented evidence of need; what you will do and how you will measure success

Local Support Fund Grantee
Staff passion and positive 'can do' attitude really helped me nail down what we were trying to achieve in a way that was articulate and easy to follow. Especially when I was at burn out phase from the previous applications, staff kept me focused and got everything out of me
Local Support Fund Microgrant Grantee
Staff has installed a sense of self-worth in me on an individual level which has meant I have been able to pass that on to my other 3 colleagues. I now feel in a much better position to lead and keep growing our grass roots organisation, as a result of the support they have given us.

Supporting access to additional resources
- Signposting to other services who can help
- Highlighting training and work force development opportunities both within SDF and elsewhere
- Information about SDF membership
Supporting organisations after bids have been submitted
- Ongoing support around service development
- Networking opportunities
- Provided a protected space for reflection on application and future planning