SDF is an accredited SVQ Centre. We deliver Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) accredited training in Advice and Guidance, Community Development, and Social Services and Healthcare.
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SDF’s SVQ Centre offers SQA quality assured vocational qualifications to the drug, alcohol, and wider social care workforce.
The Centre was launched in 2021 to ensure the drug and alcohol workforce is supported through tailored delivery to gain the qualifications that meet the expectations of employers.
The Centre primarily provides Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) in Social Services and Healthcare – the industry standard qualification for the social care field including the drug and alcohol sector.
The Centre is also approved by SQA to deliver vocational qualifications in Advice and Guidance, and Community Development.
The SVQ Centre offers Scottish Vocational Qualifications in:
Social Services and Healthcare (level 2 and level 3)
Social Services and Healthcare SVQs offer participants the opportunity to build a portfolio of work and evidence that demonstrates sound competence, alongside the knowledge required to achieve the current industry standard for the drug and alcohol field, suitable for registration with the Scottish Social Services Council.
Areas covered include: legislation relevant to the social care field; Scottish Social Services Council and Health and Social Care Standards; challenging behaviour; anti-discriminatory practice; adult support and protection; human development theories; and equalities and recovery.
All candidates have one to one support from a dedicated assessor who will guide them through the award from pre-programme support to completion.
Advice and Guidance (level 3 and level 4)
The National Occupational Standards, Assessment Strategy and Award Structure for Advice and Guidance SVQs have been developed by the sector skills council, Skills for Justice.
Areas covered at level 3 include: communicating with potential clients; supporting clients to make use of services; reviewing your contribution to services; developing and managing interviews with clients; and working with clients to develop an action plan for implementation and acting as a mentor to colleagues.
At level 4 award areas covered include: developing interactions with clients, managing personal caseloads, working with clients to develop an action plan for implementation, and reviewing your contribution to services.
Following a selection of 4 workshops, Candidates are allocated an SVQ assessor who will guide them through the award and support them to build a portfolio of evidence.
Community Development (level 3 and level 4)
The SVQs in Community Development have been developed by the CLD Standards Council for Scotland and are intended for people working with and within different community groups with shared interests, needs or demographics.
Community Development awards cover areas such as: getting to know communities; supporting inclusive and collective working; self-development; organising community events and activities; and advising on organisational structures using community development perspectives.
Following a selection of 4 workshops, candidates are allocated an SVQ assessor who will guide them through the award and support them to build a portfolio of evidence.
6 qualifications currently available to the workforce through the SDF SVQ Centre
up to 60 people per year engaging in work-based qualifications
high confidence continually awarded to the SVQ Centre by SQA in 26 Quality Assurance Criteria
Work based qualifications have been provided to people working in 14 local authority areas in Scotland.
The Enhanced Skills SVQ Programme
The Enhanced Skills SVQ programme combines specialist drug and alcohol training, with Social Services and Healthcare vocational assessment.
This offers employers the opportunity to purchase SVQ assessment and verification, alongside a selection of specialist training.
A minimum of 5 learners are required for the enhanced skills offer – to discuss the needs of your organisation please contact:

Gaining qualifications through the SVQ Centre
SDF’s SVQ Centre offers a unique route to achieve professional qualifications, with an organisation that shares the experience, perspectives, and values of the field.
You can apply to take part as an individual or as an employer looking to train members of your staff team.
There are two intakes of SVQ candidates each year
For more information please contact

Costs and funding:
Fees to undertake an SQA quality assured course with SDF is determined by the level of qualification and supplementary training requested.
If you want more information about costs and funding contact: