Hannah Sinclair
Peer Research Development Officer
- Group:Research and Peer Engagement
Hannah Sinclair
Peer Research Development Officer
Hannah is involved in the delivery of peer research and evaluation projects at SDF, ensuring the voices of those with lived and living experience inform decision making and service improvement. She works with the wider Research and Peer Engagement team to recruit and support peer research volunteers from across Scotland.
Key Responsibilities:
– Designing and leading the delivery of peer research and evaluation projects, including developing research tools such as surveys and interview topic guides.
– Leading on data collection, analysis, and the production of reports for stakeholders.
– Supporting the recruitment, training, and supervision of peer research volunteers across Scotland.
– Collaborating with stakeholders to ensure research findings inform practice and policy.
Hannah holds an Honours degree in Criminology from Edinburgh Napier University. She has experience as a social work data analyst and previously volunteered at HMP Edinburgh supporting families visiting loved ones in prison.