Mary Munro
Assessment and Development Worker, SVQ Centre
- Group:Employability
Mary Munro
Assessment and Development Worker, SVQ Centre
Mary plays an essential role in the development and delivery of high-quality SVQ qualifications, primarily but not exclusively, to trainees recruited to SDF’s award-winning National Traineeship and our Peer Engagement Volunteers.
Key Responsibilities:
– Provision of SVQ assessment to Candidates working towards vocational qualifications.
– Identifying additional support needs and barriers to engagement, providing bespoke learning support to SVQ Candidates.
– Delivery and development of SVQ training to Candidates working with the Centre.
– Supporting the Centre to maintain a range of SQA quality assurance criteria.
Mary has worked for 14 years within substance use services, including prison, community, inpatient, emergency services, research and academia. Previous to her role in SDF she was the Clinical Lead in Drug Harm for the Scottish Ambulance Service and is currently undertaking her PHD in Substance Use at the University of Stirling.