Trish Dunlop
Senior Learning and Development Officer
- Group:Workforce Development
Trish Dunlop
Senior Learning and Development Officer
As an experienced trainer I deliver training to a wide range of audiences both online and in person. This includes drug and alcohol awareness, Multiple Risk and Young People and trauma, stigma and mental health.
Key Responsibilities
– Trish develops and delivers training commissioned by Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership and Alcohol and Drugs Partnership within Glasgow City.
– Trish supports the development and delivery of bespoke training such as Safer Nightlife for those working in the nighttime economy and Supporting People who Use Substances in Your Service for any teams who would like to build confidence and develop policy and practice.
– Works with groups of young people aged 16-25 and is part of the Public Health Scotland consultation working to develop a consensus statement on young people and Substance Use and Harm Prevention (SUHP)
Trish has a wide experience of working across the third and public sector in project management roles and developing and delivering training in sexual health and relationships and parenting. Trish undertook an MSc in Social Innovation at Glasgow Caledonian University in 2019 and in 2024 Trish visited Reykjavik to learn more about Planet Youth and the Icelandic Model of Prevention which involved a three-day conference and site visits with partners from across the world.