Briefing on frontline responses to HIV outbreak in Glasgow for World AIDS Day

A new briefing on the current outbreak of HIV in Glasgow has been co-produced by Scottish Drugs Forum and Waverley Care to recognise World AIDS Day 2019.

Since 2015, there have been 162 diagnoses of HIV among people who inject drugs in Glasgow – compared to an average of 10 per year prior to 2015. Around half of those diagnosed in 2019 acquired HIV recently, indicating that the outbreak is currently ongoing.

The resource provides an update on both of organisations’ work to support people affected by HIV and prevent further infections.

A key focus of the document includes learnings from the first year of Waverley Care’s HIV Street Support Project – a service that provides street based outreach, carrying out Blood Borne Virus (BBV) testing and harm reduction with people who inject drugs.

The briefing also contains helpful information on activity surrounding World AIDS Day in Scotland, including events, resources and training.

Click here to download the briefing

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