New e-learning course seeks to improve staff confidence in discussing contraception with people who use drugs

A new e-learning resource has been launched which aims to improve the knowledge of those who work with people who use drugs in relation to sexual health and contraception information.

The free-to-access course, launched today by Scottish Drugs Forum, explores various methods of contraception, as well as discussing which methods may be best suited to individuals who are currently experiencing drug-related issues.

The concise ‘Contraception information for people who use drugs’ course can be completed in one hour and it is hoped it will better equip substance use services to discuss basic matters relating to contraception without the need for input from specialist sexual health services.

Adrienne Hannah, SDF’s Sexual Health, Blood Borne Virus and Harm Reduction Team Leader, said:

“The course will be useful for workers who support people who use drugs in order to keep themselves up-to-date with methods of contraception to better support their service users.

“It will allow staff who already have a relationship with their clients, to confidently introduce this subject and answer questions, before the client requires to see anyone from a sexual health service.”

The brief course is the latest in a number of online courses that have been developed by the organisation, which have been very popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, where face-to-face training has often been restricted.

Katerina Vourlakos, SDF’s e-Learning Development Officer, said:

“Scottish Drugs Forum’s e-Learning courses have been hugely popular since lockdown. Over the past three months we have seen a 300% increase in people registering compared to last year, with just under a thousand new participants joining each month as people seek to continue their professional development during this difficult period.

“Informed staff can feel more comfortable and equipped to have discussions around healthier choices regarding substance use and sexual health. Therefore, we are delighted to add this course, our ninth, to SDF’s ever-growing e-Learning catalogue, which is free for everyone in Scotland to access.”

The online resource is free to access for people in Scotland and can be accessed via the Scottish Drugs Forum training website at

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