SDF appoints new CEO

14 March 2023

Kirsten Horsburgh has been appointed CEO of Scottish Drugs Forum.

Kirsten has worked at SDF for eleven years, having previously worked in drug treatment services. Kirsten has held various positions within SDF most recently serving as Director of Operations.

Kirsten has wide experience establishing and maintaining networks and of delivery of improvement in both practice and policy. A strong advocate for the changes necessary to improve Scotland’s response to problem drug use, Kirsten is a well known figure nationally and internationally.

Kirsten was appointed after a competitive recruitment process overseen by the Board of Scottish Drugs Forum. Carole Hunter, Chair of the Board said “The board of SDF warmly welcomes the appointment of Kirsten Horsburgh as the new CEO.

“The Board looks forward to working with Kirsten and her management team to build on the excellent work of the retiring CEO and to develop and expand the SDF’s role within the drugs field in Scotland with vision and enthusiasm.”

Kirsten will take up post on the first of June this year and will be working on a phased transition until then.

CEO Dave Liddell who has led the organisation for 36 years welcomes Kirsten’s appointment. “I am delighted that Kirsten has been appointed as the next CEO.

“Kirsten has worked with me for 11 years and since she started has shown excellent leadership qualities, initially in driving forward the implementation of the Naloxone programme and latterly as Director of Operations.

“I look forward to working with Kirsten over the next couple of months to ensure a smooth transition into her new role.”

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